Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wait...did I say that already?

Have I mentioned how much I love Spring? If not, let me just say that I LOVE SPRING!!
I love being able to walk outside barefoot and feel the grass beneath my toes. It reminds me of Summers at my Grandparents house in Florida. I don't think I ever wore shoes when I was at their house. Which resulted in lots of stubbed toes. I was a very clumsy child. Unfortunately, some things just don't change.

So back to Spring. Today the kids and I went outside and decorated the sidewalk with lots of colorful chalk. We had a blast. Laughing and having a chalk fight. (Matthew is looking very orange these days...hehe!!)
Afterwards we retired to the porch swing and Matthew started up a game of "I Spy." During one of my turns I said "I spy with my little eye something white" (it was the neighbors little white dogs.) He guessed a few times. "the clouds" "no." "that car" "no." "hmmm, I don't know, I don't see anything else!"
At this point I decide to give him a clue. I hold up my hand to my ear like I was listening. (the dogs were barking.)
He starts frantically saying "Ear! Is it ear?! Ear! Ear! Is it ear!" "No." "Ear! Ear!"
I couldn't take any more, I burst into laughter. He says "What? It's not ear?

"No baby, it's not ear."

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